Personal income tax return 2016

Broadstreet - News - - Personal income tax return 2016

February 7th, 2017

Most likely, you have received the invitation with regard to the filing of your personal income tax return 2016 recently. We will be happy to assist you (and your partner) with filing these returns.

If you would like to receive the assessment before 1 July, 2017, the income tax return has to be filed before April 1, 2017. In this case, we would like to receive all documents applicable before March 1, 2017 by using our portal

Once you have registered and logged in, you can sign in with the service “income tax 2016” and start uploading the relevant documents immediately. An advantage of using My Broadstreet is that you will have unlimited access to your documents and tax return(s). For maximum security, My Broadstreet has an encrypted connection on our protected server. So you can rest assured that all your documents and files are in safe hands.

In the case you are not able to provide us with the necessary documents before March 1, 2017, we will take the opportunity to include you in our extension ruling. Our fee for the extension will be € 50 excl. VAT p.p.

For our rates you can check our website.

If you have any further questions, please email us at or contact your advisor.

If you would like us to file your income tax return(s) 2016, please let us know before March 1, 2017 by registering with or by sending us an email to

If you do not wish to use our services, please let us know before March 1, 2017. We will then remove you from our mailing list and not register you for an extension for filing.