For every business employing persons in the Netherlands it is required to run a payroll administration.
Broadstreet can assist in running the payroll on behalf of your company. We are an expert in payroll administration. We set up the payroll administration, run a monthly pay slip for the employees and submit the payroll tax return to the tax office. We do not take care of the payment ourselves, but we will inform you on what has to be paid and when.
At the end of the year, we prepare the annual statement for the employee.
With our broad international experience, we can not only run the payroll administration for a legal entity with only the director sole shareholder on the payroll, but can also take into account a shadow payroll in case of an international secondment, the implications of social security, foreign workdays and any international remuneration issues that may arise.
What is payroll administration?
With Payroll administration we mean all the tasks that are involved in the paying process of the organization’s employees. This involves for example keeping track of the work hours and ensuring that the employees receive their correct payments on time.